Friday, August 28, 2009

The language of holiday programmes

infamous (adj, neg) famous, but for bad reasons

disgusting (adj, neg) horrible, very unpleasant

bustling (adj, pos) very busy

cliché (noun) a phrase that has been used so much that it no longer has any real effect

vast (adj) very big, huge

ultimate (adj) the last or the most important; it cannot be beaten

wilderness (noun) wild place

pollution (noun) dirt in the environment, for example from household rubbish, fumes from cars and chemicals from factories

intrepid (adj) very brave and adventurous

teeming (adj) full of people, or animals. e.g. The lake was teeming with fish.

stunning (adj) very beautiful

out of bounds (adj) if a place is out of bounds you are not allowed to go there


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